Monday 24 June 2013

Inductive Sensors

Theory and Background

For many vehicles, a common type of sensor found is the inductive pickup sensor.  This sensor is found in many systems.  Two systems that you may find it in that will be discussed in this blog are inductive speed sensors and rpm inductive sensors. Before delving into the uses of the two sensors, a theory of how these sensors will be done. 

Figure 1.1
Operation Principles
Inductive sensors normally have a reluctor wheel, tone or exciter ring (Figure 1.1).  This ring has teeth that can range from 4 or more depending on application. This component normally rotates across a magnetic pickup coil.  This pickup consist of windings connected to a permanent magnet.  Note that there is a gap space between the two components (Autoshop 101, n.d.).  When the tooth approaches the pickup, magnetic saturation starts to build up.  At the point where the tooth perfectly lines up with the coil, full magnetic saturation is achieved and a positive peak signal is produced (Autoshop 101, n.d.; MegaSquirt, 2012).  This is shown in Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.2
As soon as the tooth moves away from the pickup, this triggers a magnetic collapse and a negative peak voltage is produced (MegaSquirt, 2012).  This leads to one full analogue cycle as shown in figure 1.2.  Frequency of the signals will increase with the rotational speed of the reluctor wheel and amplitude will be affected by the gap width (AA1 Car, n.d.).  The further the gap the smaller the amplitude signals. Meanwhile the closer the gap the bigger the amplitude signals (Autoshop 101, n.d.).  This is because when the gap is smaller, the magnetic saturation will be stronger as opposed to wider gaps which have weaker magnetic saturation because of the distance between the wheel and the pickup coil (Autoshop 101, n.d.).

This information will then be relayed to the corresponding ECU whether it is the engine management or the antilock brake system (ABS) ECU to interpret.  For example, the engine management side will decipher which cylinder is on compression stroke.  For the ABS side, any anomalies like higher frequency, or lower or higher than normal amplitude readings will tell what wheel is spinning or locking up.  The ABS ECU will then use this information to either activate the solenoids or not.

Factors Affecting Operation
It is crucial to get the amplitude right in order for the ECU to get the right signal.  Failure to do so will result in the engine running incorrectly or even not functioning at all.  Aside from incorrect gap spacing, factors like rust may affect the signal as well (AA1 Car, n.d.).  Rust will make it harder for magnetic saturation to occur or in worse cases, no magnetic saturation at all.  This will either yield a similar smaller signal like that of a wider gapped wheel or a missing skipped signal due to no magnetising of the coil (AA1 Car, n.d.). 

A chipped tooth will also exhibit this trend as well because of the wider gap (Weber, 2011).  In the case of RPM sensors, if one or a few random teeth were to be chipped or rusted, the engine will run rough, misfire, or even fail to start as the random gaps will render the ECU to be unable to know the position of the engine cylinders.  This will affect the adjusting of the air/fuel mixture as injection timing will be affected, and voltage was unable to be rerouted to the corresponding spark plug properly (Autoshop 101, n.d.). 

In the case of ABS wheel speed sensors, the same problems also apply.  However, there is an additional problem of loose wheel bearings.  This problem can give inconsistent signals which will then give the ABS ECU the wrong information (Weber, 2011).

Procedure for Experiment
This section will discuss the testing of the two chosen inductive sensors.  Bench testing will be done on an inductive RPM sensor of a distributor.  On-car testing will also be done but on a wheel speed sensor.

Bench Testing
As mentioned earlier, there are many kinds of applications for inductive sensors.  For ignition systems, a common ignition system employed is the use of a distributor which houses an important sensor that informs the ECU of the engine position.  There are three main types, Hall-Effect, Optical and what is related and first to be discussed in this blog, inductive RPM pick-up sensors.

Inductive RPM pick-up sensors utilise the same magnetism principles discussed earlier to produce analogue signals.  The effect is an increase in frequency or pulse and these would tell of the position of the engine and it does so either in the crankshaft, camshaft or both (Autoshop 101, n.d.). 

As it uses magnetism principles, it doesn’t need to be powered and uses less wire as opposed to other types which need at least a voltage supply/reference, signal and ground wires (Autoshop 101, n.d.). 

Figure 1.3
Bench testing an inductive RPM sensor requires the use of an oscilloscope to capture an analogue waveform.  With this said the main readings you would want to know is the voltage amplitude and frequency.  Voltage amplitudes can vary and some examples are 0.3V to -0.3V to 5V to -5V depending on application.   Frequency is defined as the number of cycles or pulses at a given time.

Figure 1.4
The next step is to find a pin-out of the sensor which should be similar to figure 1.3.  The distributor used had one crankshaft position sensor, and two camshaft position sensors and all are inductive.  Therefore, there would be three signal wires and three grounds.  During the experiment, all ground wires of the three inductive sensors were found to be spliced together while the three signal wires each had their own terminal on the socket plug.  After finding out the pins, the result would be similar to figure 1.4.  As shown, the camshaft position sensor G pick-ups were being tested with the red and yellow wires (signal wires) and the green and brown wires (ground wires spliced with the other black ground) getting connected to an oscilloscope.

To capture a waveform, the pinion gear of the distributor was spun to create the magnetic saturation and collapse cycles as the reluctor wheel teeth passes the magnetic pickup.  The resulting waveform was the analogue waveform complete with positive and negative peaks (figure 1.5).

Figure 1.5
Notice the different amplitudes with the first and third cycles (from left to right) having higher signals.  This is due to the respective reluctor teeth being closer to the first magnetic pickup (G1) and being able to achieve stronger magnetic saturation.  Meanwhile, the other smaller signals are due to the opposite trend of being further from the second pickup (G2) and weaker magnetic saturation resulted.

On Car Testing
Figure 1.6
Testing on-car is a similar process.  Due to the unavailability of a vehicle with a inductive pick-up distributor, another type of inductive sensor, the wheel speed sensor, will be used.  However, if the RPM sensor, whether for the crankshaft or camshaft, were to be tested, you will need to probe the signal wire and connect it up to an oscilloscope.  The ABS wheel speed sensor is a similar process and will be explained.

Figure 1.6 shows how a typical wheel speed sensor is set up for an ABS system.  As with the bench testing of the RPM sensor, you will need to find out which pins are for the sensor in order to test for a signal.  To be able to access the sensor signals, you will need to find the sensor connector and back probe it.  Figure 1.7 shows this (note that the common probe is connected to the vehicle body as the circuit is all connected to the vehicle).

Figure 1.7
After figuring out the terminals, which the signal of the sensor was the first black wire, connect an oscilloscope.  The common probe was connected to vehicle ground while the positive probe was connected to the signal wire.  Connecting the oscilloscope, carefully setting the trigger point and voltage versus time divisions will result in a waveform.  Figure 1.8 shows a waveform captured on a Daihatsu YRV right rear wheel speed sensor.
 The result shows a waveform with even signals.  This suggests that the teeth are in good condition and fairly even and did not have a chipped tooth or rust.  However the signal amplitude or voltage range will have to be compared to other speed sensors (AA1 Car, n.d.).  The correct specification signal would have to be the speed sensor that has the correct gap/width or has to be adjusted to it.  Certain vehicles allow for adjustment while others do not (Weber, 2011). 

Please note the same measuring and adjustment would apply for inductive RPM sensors as well.  As gaps between the reluctor wheel and the pickup will affect the signals as well.

Special Care
Gaps needing measured must be done so using a brass feeler gauge.  Failure to do so with a brass feeler gauge will damage the delicate magnetic components of the sensor.  Therefore special care must be taken when looking testing inductive speed sensors so as to not damage it.

Figure 1.8
Because this system runs on magnetism, it is important to prevent other electrical signals and frequencies from interfering with the sensor signal.  Therefore twisted wiring and shields are normally applied to prevent interferences (Autoshop 101, n.d.).


Good versus Bad Results
With the gap measured and adjusted to specifications, good readings should be consistently even like that of figure 1.8.  However, if the readings were uneven with some big and some small signals or even a missing pulse, then there is a problem (Hibberd, n.d.).  This bad result could either be due to a blunt, chipped tooth, or rust (AA1 Car, n.d.; Hibberd, n.d.). 

For multiple inductive sensors like wheel speed sensors, to be able to give the ABS ECU accurate information, all four speed sensors must be measured and adjusted within specifications.  This is to ensure the ABS ECU receives the right information. Amplitude and frequency are important in order for it to apply appropriate braking.  ABS function can be affected if there is a slight deviation (Weber, 2011).   If one of the signals were to deviate from the rest, the ABS system may interpret this as wheel slip and will apply unneeded braking.

One of the main advantages of inductive pickup sensors is that fewer wires are needed as it does not need to be powered.  This lessens the need for an allotment of an extra power source (Autoshop 101, n.d.). 

However, the advantage of having less wiring and not needing to be powered up is also its disadvantage.  The same magnetic principle operation also means that it can be affected by electrical interferences.  However, as mentioned earlier, it can be rectified using shielding and twisted wiring (Autoshop 101, n.d.).  In addition for distributor systems, along with Hall-Effect and optical sensors, these systems are contactless and are less prone to mechanical wear like that of the Kettering system (Autoshop 101, n.d.; Draper, n.d.).

Unlike the Hall-Effect and optical sensors which puts a digital voltage ready to be used by other digital circuitry, the inductive sensors cannot.  Inductive sensor analogue output must go through a pulse converter to translate the analogue signals to digital signals (Autoshop 101, n.d.).

Since the advent of magnetic pickup sensors, many manufacturers made the switch from mechanical distributor systems.  With its ability to pick up signals, it was also employed in other systems like antilock brake systems.  It is for this reason that magnetic pickup sensors are a commonly used component in various vehicle systems.

Reference List:

AA1 Car. (n.d.). Diagnosing antilock brake system wheel speed sensors. Retrieved June 18, 2013 from
Autoshop 101. (n.d.). Position/speed sensors. Retrieved June 17, 2013 from
Draper, D. (n.d.). Electronic ignition. Retrieved June 22, 2013 from
MegaSquirt. (2012). Distributor pickups with MegaSquirt-II. Retrieved June 17, 2013 from
Weber, B. (2011). Scoping out ABS wheel speed sensors: What could go wrong? Retrieved June 20, 2013 from

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Treaty of Waitangi and Sustainability Worksheet

Name:  Alain Ong



TTEC4849 Business Practice and Vehicle Safety

Treaty of Waitangi and Sustainability Worksheet

How does sustainability and freedom from pollution pertain to the treaty?

Instructions: Read the Treaty and answer the questions below. This may be used for theory classroom discussion.

HER MAJESTY VICTORIA Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland regarding with Her Royal Favour the Native Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and anxious to protect their just Rights and Property and to secure to them the enjoyment of Peace and Good Order has deemed it necessary in consequence of the great number of Her Majesty's Subjects who have already settled in New Zealand and the rapid extension of Emigration both from Europe and Australia which is still in progress to constitute and appoint a functionary properly authorised to treat with the Aborigines of New Zealand for the recognition of Her Majesty's Sovereign authority over the whole or any part of those islands – Her Majesty therefore being desirous to establish a settled form of Civil Government with a view to avert the evil consequences which must result from the absence of the necessary Laws and Institutions alike to the native population and to Her subjects has been graciously pleased to empower and to authorise me William Hobson a Captain in Her Majesty's Royal Navy Consul and Lieutenant-Governor of such parts of New Zealand as may be or hereafter shall be ceded to her Majesty to invite the confederated and independent Chiefs of New Zealand to concur in the following Articles and Conditions.

Article the first [Article 1]

The Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes of New Zealand and the separate and independent Chiefs who have not become members of the Confederation cede to Her Majesty the Queen of England absolutely and without reservation all the rights and powers of Sovereignty which the said Confederation or Individual Chiefs respectively exercise or possess, or may be supposed to exercise or to possess over their respective Territories as the sole sovereigns thereof.

Article the second [Article 2]

Her Majesty the Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and Tribes of New Zealand and to the respective families and individuals thereof the full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and other properties which they may collectively or individually possess so long as it is their wish and desire to retain the same in their possession; but the Chiefs of the United Tribes and the individual Chiefs yield to Her Majesty the exclusive right of Preemption over such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to alienate at such prices as may be agreed upon between the respective Proprietors and persons appointed by Her Majesty to treat with them in that behalf.

Article the third [Article 3]

In consideration thereof Her Majesty the Queen of England extends to the Natives of New Zealand Her royal protection and imparts to them all the Rights and Privileges of British Subjects.
(signed) William Hobson, Lieutenant-Governor.
Now therefore We the Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes of New Zealand being assembled in Congress at Victoria in Waitangi and We the Separate and Independent Chiefs of New Zealand claiming authority over the Tribes and Territories which are specified after our respective names, having been made fully to understand the Provisions of the foregoing Treaty, accept and enter into the same in the full spirit and meaning thereof in witness of which we have attached our signatures or marks at the places and the dates respectively specified. Done at Waitangi this Sixth day of February in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty.

1.  What part of the Treaty relates to pollution and sustainability? Write the phrase that relates here: (If you can’t find it, reread Article 2)

Her Majesty the Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and
Tribes of New Zealand and to the respective families and individuals thereof the full exclusive and undisturbed possession of their Lands and Estates Forests Fisheries and other properties which they may collectively or individually possess so long as it is their wish and desire to retain the same in their possession.

2.  What are ways that modern civilization could pollute the land, the sea, or the air?

The growing population and its use of machines, automobiles, aircraft, sea-craft can give off garbage, waste by-products which is harmful to the environment.

The increasing need for production of more goods can also affect the environment as resources are continuously being used at a rate more than it can be reproduced.  Lands and air quality can also be damaged by activities such as deforestation and area expansion and development.

3.  What New Zealand legislation directs what should happen about pollution? (You may need to do an internet search to find this.) Record your answers here:

  • Resource Management Act 1991 was devised to give guidelines on how to manage and protect resources that would achieve sustainability and environmental safety.
    • Section 15
      • (1) No person is allowed to discharge contaminants into the:
        • (a) Water (also waste that will lead to the land)
        • (b) Land (also land waste that will lead into the water)
        • (c) Industrial waste into the air
        • (d) Industrial waste into the land
Unless if the discharge is approved having followed the guidelines of the national environmental standard, other regulations, or a resource consent.
      • (2) No person is allowed to discharge contaminants in the air or land in a manner that violates the national environmental standard unless the discharge:
        • (a) is allowed by other regulations
        • (b) is allowed by a resource consent
        • (c) is allowed in Section 20A (regional planning consent)
      • (2A) No person is allowed to discharge contaminants in the air or land in a manner that violates the regional rule unless the discharge:
        • (a) is allowed by other regulations
        • (b) is allowed by a resource consent
        • (c) is allowed in Section 20A (regional planning consent)
  • Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Exhaust Emissions 2007 (rule 33001/2) was devised to improve air quality by applying emission standards and restrictions on vehicles imported into the country.
    •   Highlights:
      • Used imported vehicles are subject to a minimum emission standard to be able to be registered.
      • Utilising the strict Japan 02/04 standard as a minimum requirement for diesel vehicle registration to minimise registration of polluting diesel vehicles.
      • Vehicles being imported will be subjected to emissions tests before getting registered in New Zealand.
      • Vehicles and motorcycles must be subjected to visible smoke tests during WoF and CoF inspections.  
      • Prohibition of the removal or tampering with emission control devices of vehicles registered in New Zealand.

Monday 17 June 2013

Customer Story of a Bad Experience Blog

TTEC4849 Business Practice and Vehicle Safety

Customer Story of a Bad Experience

Instructions: Divide up into small groups. Read the following story, and
discuss the following questions in your small groups. Then write your answers
in the space provided.

This is a true story.

The year was about 1958, in California, before there were strong consumer
laws. Don Higgins owned a laundry and dry cleaning business, in which he
used one of the new Volkswagen bus trade vans for his deliveries. He would
pick up dirty clothes from businesses (like restaurants and auto repair shops),
clean them and deliver them back. He liked his Volkswagen van: it had lots of
space to hang the clothes and it got good fuel economy. Up until recently, it
had been very reliable. But lately the engine wasn’t running very well. The
engine was regularly missing and had low power.
So in the morning, Don took his van to his local auto repair shop. He told them
it needed fixing, maybe just a tune up, and he got a ride back to his cleaning
business. Then in mid-afternoon, he went back to pick up his van.
To his surprise, the van wasn’t ready. If fact, the repair shop owner showed
Don the engine that was now out of the van. The exhaust valve for number 3
cylinder was burnt, causing the poor running engine and lack of power. The
shop owner said he could have the engine fixed and back in the van in 3 or 4
days. And the bill would be about $400.00. (In 1958, this was a lot of money.
Don’s monthly mortgage on his house was only about $120.00 per month.)
Don was very upset. He was so upset that I (Steve McAfee) heard about this
as the little boy who lived next door to Don.

Discussion Questions:

1. From Don’s point of view, what was wrong here? What did the shop do
wrong that upset Don so much. (After all, they were fixing his van.)

After taking the engine out and finding out the problem, they did not keep Don updated until he went pick up the car.  This would have been quite overwhelming for Don (shock of cost, engine taken out, and enormity of the job) as he was just expecting a simple tune up when he went to pick the car up.

2. From the repair shop owner’s point of view, what was wrong with Don
getting upset at them? What did they do right or wrong?

They were doing their job and trying to repair the problem.  However, their approach to the situation could have been better, especially with such big jobs.  It would have been better to inform Don before he came to pick the car up.

3. What should have been done in this circumstance? If you were Don, what
would you have wanted to be done?

The workshop should have endeavored to contact Don first before he went to pick the car up.  This would have prepared Don for the situation better as finding out on the site, seeing the engine out, shock of the cost would have rightfully upset Don. 

If I was Don, I would prefer to be contacted as soon as they find the problem so I could be better prepared for the job and cost.  I would probably be upset still, but be more receptive of it.

4. When the repair was finished, and Don went to pick up his van, he took the
van and did not pay the whole repair bill. Did the repair shop have the right to
hold the van until they got paid?

If both parties had agreed on a price to carry out the job then Don has the obligation to pay for the agreed amount (but nothing more). And goods cannot exchange hands until payment is settled.

However, if no price was agreed, Don would have the right to pay what is reasonable for the job and the workshop would not have the right to hold it if he paid this reasonable price.

5. If Don took the repair shop to court, what would you have ruled if you were
the judge? Should the repair shop pay for a replacement rental vehicle?
Should Don pay the whole repair bill? Should the repair shop pay Don for lost
business because he could not pick up and deliver clothes to his customers?

I would have ruled that Don should pay the full amount if they had agreed on the price before carrying out the job.  However, a rental vehicle should be at the discretion of both parties as part of the repair package. 

If the no price was agreed, then Don is not liable to pay more than what is deemed a reasonable price for the job.

No the shop should not be responsible for lost business as his work is not the workshop’s responsibility.  Don must sort out a way to keep his business running (whether it be getting a rental vehicle from the workshop or another source).

6. What New Zealand laws relate to this story? What do New Zealand laws
say should have been done in this case?

On the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, it states that if there was no price agreed, the consumer is not liable to pay more than what is deemed reasonable for the job.  If there was an agreed price, then Don is obliged to pay for the agreed price. 

Sunday 7 April 2013

Oxygen Sensor Circuit Experiment

Oxygen Sensor Display Unit Blog

Component List:

Below is the list of components used in this experiment.  Data sheets are provided as links following each component.



Figure 1.1
Please refer to the circuit diagram provided (Figure 1.1).  The conditions of the circuit was that:
  •       LED’s used has a 1.8V drop
  •       There should be at least 12mA (0.012A) flow through the LED’s and resistors
  •       There should be a 0.63V at pins 2 and 5
  •       There should be 0.23V pins 10 and 13
      Formulas used:  R=V/I        I=V/R

R2, R3 and R4 Resistors

The formula needed will be R=V/I.  The amperage (I) was given earlier with the minimum of 12mA needed.  Other part needed for the equation is the voltage.   We will need the remaining voltage, the incoming raw voltage must be deducted each of the diodes and other components in each of the R2, R3 and R4 lines.

R2 and R4 has the same amount of drops with 0.6V at the first diode (D2), 1.8V at the LED’s and 1V at the op-amp.  Therefore, 12V – 0.6V – 1.8V – 1V = 8.6V.  Then to get the resistance needed we divide 8.6V by 0.012A which we will get 716Ω or less. 

R3 would be similar as well, but with an additional zener and regular diode.  Therefore 12V – 0.6V – 0.6V - 0.6V - 1.8V - 1V = 8.4V.  Then 7.4V ÷ 0.012A = 617Ω or less.
The resistor that will be used in R2, R3 and R4 will a 470Ω resistor. 

R5 Resistor

The same formula R=V/I will be used as well.  The voltage after all the drops would be 12V – 0.6V – 9.1V = 2.3V.  The amperage flow as dictated by the 9V1 zener IzRm of 5.6mA (0.0056A max amperage).  Therefore 2.3V ÷ 0.0056A = 410.7Ω minimum.  A 470Ω will then be used. 

R6, R7 and R8 Resistors

These resistors are part of a voltage divider circuit.  At R6, the voltage drop would be approximately 8.47V.  R8 would have a 0.4V drop and R7 would have a 0.23V drop.  This would provide the required 0.63V output at pins 5 and 2, and 0.23V at pins 10 and 13. 

Utilising a 10K resistor for R6, the amperage needs to be calculated before being able to calculate the for the other resistor values.  Using the I=V/R formula, 8.47V ÷ 10,000Ω = 0.00085A.  Then reverting back to the R=V/I formula, R8 = 0.4V ÷ 0.00085A = 470Ω, and R7 = 0.23V ÷ 0.00085A = 270Ω. 

Technical Explanation

Figure 1.2
For visualisation, please refer to figure 1.2 for the rectified diagram.  In this circuit, there are two input voltages, the supply voltage (12V) from the battery supply and an input sensor voltage (0-1V depending on state).

The supply voltage will travel through several diodes, LED’s and resistors to its corresponding output line of the operational amplifier (op-amp).  The red LED would pass a 470Ω (R2) resistor and connect to pin 7.  The green LED would also pass through a 470Ω (R4) resistor but will connect to pin 14.  For the yellow LED, however, it has two extra diodes (one regular 1N4001 diode and one 5V1 zener diode) connected beforehand and will be connected to another 470Ω (R3) resistor after and finally to pin 8.

Which of these LED’s will light, would depend on which LED would get grounded or not.  The op-amp working as a comparator of two different voltages will determine the direction of the current and voltage lines.

One side of the voltage getting compared by the op-amp are certain constant voltages.  After the 10K resistor (R6), 0.63V has to go through pin 5 and pin 2 (highlighted in red).  After the next resistor (470Ω R8), pins 13 and 10 will receive a 0.23V output voltage (highlighted in blue).  Then R7 (270Ω) will connect to ground.  This is an example of a voltage divider circuit in action whereby a circuit line will utilise certain resistors to achieve certain voltage outputs between them. 

The other input voltage is the signal input from the sensor itself which varies between 0 and 1V (highlighted in yellow).  This voltage will decide which LED’s will light up and which do not. 

If the signal voltage was 0.1V, the voltage will travel through to pin 12 as a non-inverting input.  Comparing with the 0.23V inverting input, it is smaller therefore the negative rail will be activated allowing current to flow through and grounding the line.  The green LED will then light up. 

The signal then passes through pin 9 as an inverting input this time and when compared to the bigger non-inverting input of 0.23V, the positive rail will be activated.  This will not ground the yellow LED and it will not light up. 

Afterwards, the 0.1V signal then proceed to pin 6 again as an inverting input.  The non-inverting input of 0.63V at pin 5 is higher and the positive rail will activate.  The effect will be the same as the yellow LED with the red LED not lighting up as well.  Then the comparison between pins 2 and 3 will result in the negative rail being activated.  The green LED would then indicate that the air-fuel mixture is lean. 

If the signal voltage was 0.4V, at pin 12 (non-inverting input), it is higher than the 0.23V inverting input and the positive rail will be activated.  The green LED would then not illuminate.  As an inverting input in pin 9, it is higher than the 0.23V non-inverting input.  The negative rail will activate and the yellow LED will light up.  On pins 5 and 6, the 0.63V non-inverting input is higher and the positive rail will activate leaving the red LED unable to ground and light up.  The yellow LED will then indicate that the mixture was normal.

If the signal voltage was 0.7V, the green LED would not light up as the non-inverting input being the higher voltage will activate the positive rail and it would not ground.  At pins 9 and 10, the higher inverting input (0.7V > 0.23V) will activate the negative rail and the yellow will ground.  However it will not light up as at pins 2 and 3, the higher non-inverting input (0.7V > 0.63V) will activate the positive rail and output through the diode (D3) and straight to the yellow LED blocking it from being able to ground.

At pins 6 and 5, the inverting input (0.7V) is higher than the non-inverting input (0.63V).  This would then call up the negative rail and ground voltage and current flow of the red LED, lighting it up.  This would then indicate that the mixture was rich.

Other components also play a role in the circuit function.  The 9V1 zener (D1) helped regulate and prepare a 9.1V line for the R6, R7 and R8 resistors to divide into the required voltages.  The capacitors then helped smooth out current flow, prevent voltage spiking, and protect the device. 

Test Procedure

Aside from utilising a potentiometer outputting varying 0-1V, certain readings along the circuit will indicate that the oxygen sensor display unit is functioning properly.  Please refer to Figure 1.3 as reference.  After D2, there should be a slight voltage drop of 0.6V, therefore an approximate 11.4V available voltage should be measured prior to R5, and all LED’s.

The LED’s will then have an approximate 1.8V drop and the red and green LED’s will have around 9.5-9.6V.  For the yellow LED, however, two diodes prior will have an additional 1.2V drop on top of the 1.8V drop.  The voltage reading after the yellow LED should read around 8.4V. 

In order for the voltage divider circuit to properly divide voltages required for the op-amp, a 9.1V available voltage should be read prior to R6.  This will also indicate that the 9V1 zener diode is functioning correctly and regulating the needed voltage. 

As shown in figure 1.2, pins 2 and 5 should read approximately 0.63V, while pins 10 and 13 should have 0.23V.  It is important to maintain this in order for the op-amp to function correctly.   If these voltages are able to be achieved, then the op-amp would be able to perform the comparator duties correctly and the circuit will function well. 


When I first tested the circuit, the red and the green LED’s functioned as they should but the yellow LED only flashed very quickly as I adjusted the potentiometer.  Upon testing for the available voltages around the circuit, all the readings were fine at the LED’s and their respective electrical lines. 

However testing the voltage divider circuit line and the voltage between the R6 and R5, there were discrepancies found.  First, between R5 and R6, the voltage was 10.1V which indicates that the zener diode was not regulating the voltage needed by the divider circuit.  Upon reading the schematic diagram again, it was found that the zener was not grounded.  After connecting the zener to ground, the voltage readings went down to the needed 9.1V. 

The next problem was the voltage readings at the divider circuit.  At pins 2 and 5, 0.24V was measured while 023V was measure at pins 10 and 13.  This would explain why the yellow LED only flashed while switching between voltages and LED’s.  The yellow led would only have turned on between the 0.23V and 0.24V input signals. 

Consulting the schematic again and looking up the design, I found a flaw in the design of the circuit that I initially thought was alright to do.  Instead of connecting pins 5 and 13 with the 470R (R8) resistor, I used jumper wires from pins 2 to 5, 5 to 13, and used the resistor to connect pins 10 and 13.

I initially thought as long as the resistor was in line or connected to the divider circuit then it was alright to place it anywhere along the line.  However, after thinking about it again, I found this not to be the case.   Recalculating the voltage divider circuit confirmed this.  If only two resistors were used in line (10K and 270R) then the voltage calculated would be around 0.238V which was in the readings taken.  The misplaced 470Ω resistor would only have served to provide resistance between pins 10 and 13 only.  Therefore the design had to be rectified and R8 connecting pins 5 and 13.

After rectifying the placement of R8, testing the circuit again yielded the same results.  I began to wonder if there could be another explanation for the problem.  After going testing the available and voltage drops, it all was exactly the same as before.  Then I found that the pre-existing bridging cables I used to bridge pins 2 and 13 are still present.  This led to a shorting of the pins, having the same effect as putting the resistor between pins 10 and 13.  Figure 1.3 shows the how the old flawed design and the new incomplete rectified design yielded the same short.

Figure 1.3
Once the jumper wires were taken off, the circuit started working perfectly and readings of the divider circuit yielded the need 0.63V and 0.23V readings at the correct pins.

For the fault the partner put in, connecting the circuit showed the green and yellow LED’s being able to switch from one another but the red LED stayed on.  In addition, the yellow LED stayed on longer as I adjusted the potentiometer.  I decided to test the available and voltage drops.  All were normal at the LED lines, zener and voltage divider circuits. Figure 1.4 shows the final design and vera board build.

Figure 1.4
However, the discrepancies were found at the signal input voltages at the pins.  Signal was transferred at pins 12 and 9 but not to pins 3 and 6.  Pins 3 and 6 had 0.6V readings and inspecting the board I found that pins 5 and 6 were bridged.  Therefore, sharing the same voltage inputs, the inverting and non-inverting inputs (pins 2, 6, and 3, 5 respectively) activated neither rail and produced 0V output.  This would activate the red LED as it would be grounded.  The Yellow LED would also stay on because pins 2 and 3 which turns it off once the voltage reaches above 0.63V also was not working.  


Partaking in this experiment, I was able to learn of the importance of testing for voltages in diagnosing problems.  In addition, using the schematics was also important in helping visualise and understand how the circuit work and occasionally did not work theoretically.    This allowed me to find the faults and repair the accordingly.

I also learned that I should follow the schematic diagram carefully rather than place resistors in certain places which might lead it to not function properly as it would have affected in dividing the voltages needed by the circuit.  As for theory, this experiment also allowed me to visualise and apply voltage divider circuits and using the op-amp as a comparator.  A better understanding was able to be achieved for these concepts.

If I was to build this circuit again, I would try to wire up the components in a different manner, closer together, more compact while achieving the same results.  

Sunday 17 March 2013

A Research on Transistors


What is it?
A transistor is a small semi-conductor that is commonly found in many electrical devices used today.  Developed as a substitute for vacuum tubes, transistors helped usher in the miniaturisation of electronics.  This made many conveniences possible like portable computers and mobile phones (Ross, Shamieh & McComb, 2010). 

                                                                                       How can you use it?
Figure 1.1
A typical transistor can have three or more terminals connected to a head made out of semi-conductor material (Wikipedia, n.d.a).  The most common type of transistor is the Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). 

This transistor consists of two PN junctions back to back and has two main arrangements called PNP and NPN as shown in Figure 1.1.  The PN junctions mentioned function as two diodes back to back which denote that the transistor only allows current to flow in a specific path.  As such, this component is installed in a certain manner.   

Why and when would you use it?
A transistor’s main purpose is to act as a solid state switch and to amplify electrical signals and power (Brindley, 1999).   As a switch, transistors allow one to control electron flow to suit certain applications and power extra loads if needed.  This would allow complex circuitries to be made.  As an amplifier, small controlling signals can influence and direct higher electrical output signals to power motors or loads requiring higher electrical signals (Ross, Shamieh & McComb, 2010).

Technical Explanation

                                                         Transistor Anatomy
Figure 1.2
As mentioned earlier, the most common form of transistors are the bipolar junction transistors.  This type of transistor is commonly made up of two PN Junctions and will need to be installed in a specific manner in order for the transistor to work.  Figure 1.2 shows the typical legs part of BJT’s termed the Collector (C), Base (B) and Emitter (E) (Brindley, 1998).

The base is the gate controller device for the larger electrical supply.  This terminal is therefore responsible for activating the transistor.  The collector contains the larger electrical supply or is the positive lead while the emitter is the outlet of the supply or the negative terminal (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.a; Ryan, 2002).

How does this component work?
Figure 1.3
Next, the two main types of BJT’s will be explained, the NPN and PNP transistors.  As mentioned previously, transistors are formed and function like two diodes back to back.  The direction of flow is dependent on whether it is NPN or PNP.  In Figure 1.3, the NPN transistor has two N-type substrates and one P-type substrate connected by a junction.  In the same figure, PNP has the opposite trend with one N-type substrate and two P-type substrates connected by a junction. 

To help with visualising the operation, refer to Figure 1.4.  In an NPN transistor, the voltage of the base must be more positive than the emitter.  The collector, in turn, must be more positive than the base.  The emitter will then supply the electrons (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.a).    

In more detail, with the base being more positive in a forward bias state in the B-E region, electron holes are pushed outward to the B-E region as electrons from the emitter meet with the holes and combine.  This allows allow electrons from the emitter to flow to the base.  The collector will then pull the electrons from the base as it is more positive (Ross, Shamieh & McComb, 2010). 

Figure 1.4
This will activate the junction and allow large current to flow through the transistor from collector to emitter (C-E).  Therefore the smaller current running from the base-emitter (B-E) will activate the C-E junction and allow a bigger current to flow in it (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.a).

Next the PNP transistors contain the same terminals but it is wired slightly differently as current biases are now reversed.  This results in the base voltage being more negative than the emitter as current flows out of the base instead.  The emitter, connected to the supply voltage, is therefore more positive than the collector and the base (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.b). 

In more detail, the emitter region is heavily doped with holes while the base is lightly doped.  Once forward biased at the E-B junction, positive supply will push the holes in the emitter to the E-B junction while the negative base will also push its electrons to meet the holes at the E-B junction which allows the electrons and holes to combine (Bhatia, n.d.).  The base region will have an influx of holes and most of these holes will then flow to the collector region as they will be attracted to the larger negatively charged collector (Bhatia, n.d.).  A small number of holes also flow out of the base terminal.  This would then allow a larger current to flow from emitter to collector (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.b).   

In summation, NPN transistors sources its current through its base terminal while PNP transistors sink or grounds current through its base.  NPN transistors also rely on electrons as the carriers while PNP transistors employ the holes as its carriers (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.b).
Now that the basic operation has been explained, a look into how NPN transistors main functions as a switch and as an amplifier will be done to further understand its workings.

Figure 1.5
As a switch, the NPN transistor can operate in two states, saturation and cut-off, which are illustrated in Figure 1.5.  The ability to act as a switch can allow the transistor to control motors and other loads (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.c).

When the transistor is operating in a saturated state, the switch would be fully on.  The emitter-base and collector-base a forward biased.  When the transistor is fully saturated, the VCE is near zero and the base to emitter (Ib) has sufficient current flow which subsequently allows large current flow from the collector to occur.  The transistor would then function as a “closed switch” (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.c).

In cut-off mode, the emitter-base and the collector base regions are reverse biased.  The VCE will become very high, nearing supply voltage. The current flowing in Ib is zero and as a result of this, no current will pass from the collector and the transistor would operate as a “open switch” (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.c).   
In addition, both of these states have low power dissipation (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.c).   

Figure 1.6
The other main function of a transistor is to amplify electrical signals, which is shown on Figure 1.6.  To amplify small signals, the transistor must enter a state called the active region.  In this region, emitter-base is forward biased while collector-base is reverse biased.  High power dissipation and high VCE is observed in this region.  What results is the transistor being able to amplify smaller signals to large currents.  How much the current is amplified is is explained through the beta β = Ic/Ib equation which states that the current multiple gained is the ratio between the collector current and base current.  Therefore how much larger the collector current becomes is affected by a change in the base current (Oregon State, n.d.).     

Test Procedure

Identifying terminals and the kind of bipolar junction transistor
Testing for the type of BJT a digital multi-meter is needed to help identify the terminals.  Because transistors normally function as two diodes back to back, diode test mode is used.  Place the red lead as the common and work the black probe at each of the other two terminals to see if you get a reading (All About Circuits, n.d.).

                        Terminal Test Results
Terminal and (Probe)
1 (+) to 2 (-)
1 (+) to 3 (-)
2 (+) to 1 (-)
2 (+) to 3 (-)
3 (+) to 1 (-)
3 (+) to 2 (-)
In the first test, with the red probe connected randomly to the leg 1, an open loop reading was attained from legs 2 and 3.  This denotes that there is no flow from legs 1 to 2 and legs 1 to 3.
Next is to test from leg 2.  Legs 2-1 and 2-3 yielded a 0.713V and 0.7.11V readings respectively.  This helps indicate that there is a forward flow between the aforementioned combinations.  The higher reading shows the emitter and the lower one the collector. 

Lastly, checking legs 3-1 and 3-2 showed both open loop readings.  The initial results point it to be an NPN transistor but to be sure, switching the negative probe to leg 2 and making sure an open loop reading is seen to decisively conclude whether the diode is in fact an NPN transistor.  

Figure 1.7
In conclusion, we found that B-E voltage was 0.713V while E-B voltage had an open loop reading.  B-C voltage was 0.711V and C-B had an open loop reading.  C-E and E-C had also had open loop readings which confirmed the transistor as an NPN type.  Table 1.1 shows the results.

Looking up the Figure 1.7 shows the back to back diode forms of NPN and PNP transistors.  Therefore readings will have biases in the respective directions of the illustrations to identify the type of transistor.

Testing for proper function
Utilising the same test procedure to check for the kind of transistor above is also useful to check for transistor function as well.  If all terminals had readings of 0.713V then the transistor is not functioning properly as forward and reverse flow is present (All About Circuits, n.d.).

Readings if connected to a circuit
If the NPN transistor was to be put into a basic circuit, the legs must be connected properly with the base and collector after certain resistors and the emitter to ground.  Figure 1.8 shows a sample schematic of a transistor wired up. 

Figure 1.8

In this circuit, there is a 15V power supply with a 1K (R2) resistor connected to the collector and a 10K (R1) resistor connected to the base.  The emitter then connects to ground.  Available voltage readings before R1 and R2 would be close to 15V.  After R1, the available voltage was 0.6V while after R2 was 0.2V.  After the emitter the voltage measured was close to 0V.  These are typical readings that you would find in this circuit.

Figure 1.9

Utilising Figure 1.9 as reference of a sample faulty circuit, if there was a breakage in the wiring before the base terminal’s resistor, this would result in a 0V reading after that resistor and its subsequent base. If this was to happen, then there would be no smaller current to activate the larger collector current and no current flow would result from the collector-emitter region.  The voltage drop from the collector-emitter region would see a voltage drop of the whole supply voltage.

In another example, if the transistor itself was faulty with base-emitter region short circuited, voltage drop readings in the base-emitter region would be 0V.  Because the base-emitter region was at 0V, the insufficient voltage and current would not be enough to activate the junction and thus, no current would flow from the collector to the emitter and that region would see a supply voltage drop and results in a cut-off like state where the transistor is off.

For a different example, if this time the collector-emitter was to have an open circuit, the collector-emitter would see a drop of the entire voltage supply while the base-emitter region will see a normal 0.7V drop.  The result is though current is able run through the base-emitter region, but because there is an open circuit in the collector-emitter region, no current is able to pass through.


Learning about transistors further deepened my understanding of how electrical components work theoretically.  In addition to strengthening my theoretical and logical framework, I also learnt how it can be applied to different situations to help amplify or act as a switch to activate motors and other such loads. 
With these important main functions, all able to be performed in a very compact but well thought out and constructed component, its contributions to modern electronics should not be overlooked.  It helped make computers smaller than ever and phones portable.  Electronic machines became smaller as a result and this is a big contribution of transistors.
Partaking in the experiments, measuring voltage drops and available voltages also helped me in understanding the trends that occur in a working circuit.  This also helped me in understanding how potential problems can result and what readings they may give.  It was a worthwhile and important component to learn and no doubt, I will come to use this component a lot more in the future and in more varied and complex ways.

Reference List
All About Circuits. (n.d.). Meter check of a transistor. Retrieved March 17, 2013 from
Bhatia, A. (n.d.). Introduction to transistors. Retrieved March 17, 2013 from
Brindley, K. (1999). Starting electronics (2nd ed.).  Oxford: Newnes.
Electronics-Tutorials. (n.d.a). The NPN transistor. Retrieved March 15, 2013 from
Electronics-Tutorials. (n.d.b). The PNP transistor. Retrieved March 15, 2013 from
Electronics-Tutorials. (n.d.c). Transistor as a switch. Retrieved March 16, 2013 from
Oregon State. (n.d.). BJT regions of operation. Retrieved March 17, 2013 from
Ross, D., Shamieh, C., & McComb, G. (2010). Electronics for dummies. Cornwall: Wiley.
Ryan, V. (2002). Transistors. Retrieved March 15, 2013 from
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Transistors. Retrieved March 15, 2013 from