Sunday 17 March 2013

A Research on Transistors


What is it?
A transistor is a small semi-conductor that is commonly found in many electrical devices used today.  Developed as a substitute for vacuum tubes, transistors helped usher in the miniaturisation of electronics.  This made many conveniences possible like portable computers and mobile phones (Ross, Shamieh & McComb, 2010). 

                                                                                       How can you use it?
Figure 1.1
A typical transistor can have three or more terminals connected to a head made out of semi-conductor material (Wikipedia, n.d.a).  The most common type of transistor is the Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT). 

This transistor consists of two PN junctions back to back and has two main arrangements called PNP and NPN as shown in Figure 1.1.  The PN junctions mentioned function as two diodes back to back which denote that the transistor only allows current to flow in a specific path.  As such, this component is installed in a certain manner.   

Why and when would you use it?
A transistor’s main purpose is to act as a solid state switch and to amplify electrical signals and power (Brindley, 1999).   As a switch, transistors allow one to control electron flow to suit certain applications and power extra loads if needed.  This would allow complex circuitries to be made.  As an amplifier, small controlling signals can influence and direct higher electrical output signals to power motors or loads requiring higher electrical signals (Ross, Shamieh & McComb, 2010).

Technical Explanation

                                                         Transistor Anatomy
Figure 1.2
As mentioned earlier, the most common form of transistors are the bipolar junction transistors.  This type of transistor is commonly made up of two PN Junctions and will need to be installed in a specific manner in order for the transistor to work.  Figure 1.2 shows the typical legs part of BJT’s termed the Collector (C), Base (B) and Emitter (E) (Brindley, 1998).

The base is the gate controller device for the larger electrical supply.  This terminal is therefore responsible for activating the transistor.  The collector contains the larger electrical supply or is the positive lead while the emitter is the outlet of the supply or the negative terminal (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.a; Ryan, 2002).

How does this component work?
Figure 1.3
Next, the two main types of BJT’s will be explained, the NPN and PNP transistors.  As mentioned previously, transistors are formed and function like two diodes back to back.  The direction of flow is dependent on whether it is NPN or PNP.  In Figure 1.3, the NPN transistor has two N-type substrates and one P-type substrate connected by a junction.  In the same figure, PNP has the opposite trend with one N-type substrate and two P-type substrates connected by a junction. 

To help with visualising the operation, refer to Figure 1.4.  In an NPN transistor, the voltage of the base must be more positive than the emitter.  The collector, in turn, must be more positive than the base.  The emitter will then supply the electrons (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.a).    

In more detail, with the base being more positive in a forward bias state in the B-E region, electron holes are pushed outward to the B-E region as electrons from the emitter meet with the holes and combine.  This allows allow electrons from the emitter to flow to the base.  The collector will then pull the electrons from the base as it is more positive (Ross, Shamieh & McComb, 2010). 

Figure 1.4
This will activate the junction and allow large current to flow through the transistor from collector to emitter (C-E).  Therefore the smaller current running from the base-emitter (B-E) will activate the C-E junction and allow a bigger current to flow in it (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.a).

Next the PNP transistors contain the same terminals but it is wired slightly differently as current biases are now reversed.  This results in the base voltage being more negative than the emitter as current flows out of the base instead.  The emitter, connected to the supply voltage, is therefore more positive than the collector and the base (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.b). 

In more detail, the emitter region is heavily doped with holes while the base is lightly doped.  Once forward biased at the E-B junction, positive supply will push the holes in the emitter to the E-B junction while the negative base will also push its electrons to meet the holes at the E-B junction which allows the electrons and holes to combine (Bhatia, n.d.).  The base region will have an influx of holes and most of these holes will then flow to the collector region as they will be attracted to the larger negatively charged collector (Bhatia, n.d.).  A small number of holes also flow out of the base terminal.  This would then allow a larger current to flow from emitter to collector (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.b).   

In summation, NPN transistors sources its current through its base terminal while PNP transistors sink or grounds current through its base.  NPN transistors also rely on electrons as the carriers while PNP transistors employ the holes as its carriers (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.b).
Now that the basic operation has been explained, a look into how NPN transistors main functions as a switch and as an amplifier will be done to further understand its workings.

Figure 1.5
As a switch, the NPN transistor can operate in two states, saturation and cut-off, which are illustrated in Figure 1.5.  The ability to act as a switch can allow the transistor to control motors and other loads (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.c).

When the transistor is operating in a saturated state, the switch would be fully on.  The emitter-base and collector-base a forward biased.  When the transistor is fully saturated, the VCE is near zero and the base to emitter (Ib) has sufficient current flow which subsequently allows large current flow from the collector to occur.  The transistor would then function as a “closed switch” (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.c).

In cut-off mode, the emitter-base and the collector base regions are reverse biased.  The VCE will become very high, nearing supply voltage. The current flowing in Ib is zero and as a result of this, no current will pass from the collector and the transistor would operate as a “open switch” (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.c).   
In addition, both of these states have low power dissipation (Electronics-Tutorials, n.d.c).   

Figure 1.6
The other main function of a transistor is to amplify electrical signals, which is shown on Figure 1.6.  To amplify small signals, the transistor must enter a state called the active region.  In this region, emitter-base is forward biased while collector-base is reverse biased.  High power dissipation and high VCE is observed in this region.  What results is the transistor being able to amplify smaller signals to large currents.  How much the current is amplified is is explained through the beta β = Ic/Ib equation which states that the current multiple gained is the ratio between the collector current and base current.  Therefore how much larger the collector current becomes is affected by a change in the base current (Oregon State, n.d.).     

Test Procedure

Identifying terminals and the kind of bipolar junction transistor
Testing for the type of BJT a digital multi-meter is needed to help identify the terminals.  Because transistors normally function as two diodes back to back, diode test mode is used.  Place the red lead as the common and work the black probe at each of the other two terminals to see if you get a reading (All About Circuits, n.d.).

                        Terminal Test Results
Terminal and (Probe)
1 (+) to 2 (-)
1 (+) to 3 (-)
2 (+) to 1 (-)
2 (+) to 3 (-)
3 (+) to 1 (-)
3 (+) to 2 (-)
In the first test, with the red probe connected randomly to the leg 1, an open loop reading was attained from legs 2 and 3.  This denotes that there is no flow from legs 1 to 2 and legs 1 to 3.
Next is to test from leg 2.  Legs 2-1 and 2-3 yielded a 0.713V and 0.7.11V readings respectively.  This helps indicate that there is a forward flow between the aforementioned combinations.  The higher reading shows the emitter and the lower one the collector. 

Lastly, checking legs 3-1 and 3-2 showed both open loop readings.  The initial results point it to be an NPN transistor but to be sure, switching the negative probe to leg 2 and making sure an open loop reading is seen to decisively conclude whether the diode is in fact an NPN transistor.  

Figure 1.7
In conclusion, we found that B-E voltage was 0.713V while E-B voltage had an open loop reading.  B-C voltage was 0.711V and C-B had an open loop reading.  C-E and E-C had also had open loop readings which confirmed the transistor as an NPN type.  Table 1.1 shows the results.

Looking up the Figure 1.7 shows the back to back diode forms of NPN and PNP transistors.  Therefore readings will have biases in the respective directions of the illustrations to identify the type of transistor.

Testing for proper function
Utilising the same test procedure to check for the kind of transistor above is also useful to check for transistor function as well.  If all terminals had readings of 0.713V then the transistor is not functioning properly as forward and reverse flow is present (All About Circuits, n.d.).

Readings if connected to a circuit
If the NPN transistor was to be put into a basic circuit, the legs must be connected properly with the base and collector after certain resistors and the emitter to ground.  Figure 1.8 shows a sample schematic of a transistor wired up. 

Figure 1.8

In this circuit, there is a 15V power supply with a 1K (R2) resistor connected to the collector and a 10K (R1) resistor connected to the base.  The emitter then connects to ground.  Available voltage readings before R1 and R2 would be close to 15V.  After R1, the available voltage was 0.6V while after R2 was 0.2V.  After the emitter the voltage measured was close to 0V.  These are typical readings that you would find in this circuit.

Figure 1.9

Utilising Figure 1.9 as reference of a sample faulty circuit, if there was a breakage in the wiring before the base terminal’s resistor, this would result in a 0V reading after that resistor and its subsequent base. If this was to happen, then there would be no smaller current to activate the larger collector current and no current flow would result from the collector-emitter region.  The voltage drop from the collector-emitter region would see a voltage drop of the whole supply voltage.

In another example, if the transistor itself was faulty with base-emitter region short circuited, voltage drop readings in the base-emitter region would be 0V.  Because the base-emitter region was at 0V, the insufficient voltage and current would not be enough to activate the junction and thus, no current would flow from the collector to the emitter and that region would see a supply voltage drop and results in a cut-off like state where the transistor is off.

For a different example, if this time the collector-emitter was to have an open circuit, the collector-emitter would see a drop of the entire voltage supply while the base-emitter region will see a normal 0.7V drop.  The result is though current is able run through the base-emitter region, but because there is an open circuit in the collector-emitter region, no current is able to pass through.


Learning about transistors further deepened my understanding of how electrical components work theoretically.  In addition to strengthening my theoretical and logical framework, I also learnt how it can be applied to different situations to help amplify or act as a switch to activate motors and other such loads. 
With these important main functions, all able to be performed in a very compact but well thought out and constructed component, its contributions to modern electronics should not be overlooked.  It helped make computers smaller than ever and phones portable.  Electronic machines became smaller as a result and this is a big contribution of transistors.
Partaking in the experiments, measuring voltage drops and available voltages also helped me in understanding the trends that occur in a working circuit.  This also helped me in understanding how potential problems can result and what readings they may give.  It was a worthwhile and important component to learn and no doubt, I will come to use this component a lot more in the future and in more varied and complex ways.

Reference List
All About Circuits. (n.d.). Meter check of a transistor. Retrieved March 17, 2013 from
Bhatia, A. (n.d.). Introduction to transistors. Retrieved March 17, 2013 from
Brindley, K. (1999). Starting electronics (2nd ed.).  Oxford: Newnes.
Electronics-Tutorials. (n.d.a). The NPN transistor. Retrieved March 15, 2013 from
Electronics-Tutorials. (n.d.b). The PNP transistor. Retrieved March 15, 2013 from
Electronics-Tutorials. (n.d.c). Transistor as a switch. Retrieved March 16, 2013 from
Oregon State. (n.d.). BJT regions of operation. Retrieved March 17, 2013 from
Ross, D., Shamieh, C., & McComb, G. (2010). Electronics for dummies. Cornwall: Wiley.
Ryan, V. (2002). Transistors. Retrieved March 15, 2013 from
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Transistors. Retrieved March 15, 2013 from